EuPD Study. Publication 11/2013

This study proves the return of investment on brainLight-Systems in the area of health management in businesses. 13 companies took part, each with 8-120 participants, including Nestl
é, SAP and Unilever. In conclusion, small to moderate improvements were noticed in terms of both health and performance. The most significant improvements were recorded in the…

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Clinical study at Rosedale Wellness Centre, Toronto. Publication: 08/2013

Subject of the study of investigation by Professor Henry Moller: „Technology-Enhanced Multimodal Meditation“ (TEMM) using a brainLight-Shiatsu Massage Chair, and „Light and Sound Meditation“ (LSM) using an audio-visual brainLight-System. The purpose: to prove the clinical use of LSM as an additional form of therapy for patients. The initiative for this study primarily arose from…

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The healthy-worker study: Analysis of the heart rate variability (HRV) parameter and the participants’ subjective experience. Publication: 06/2013

The present study should give some indication as to whether the audio-visual relaxation system has a stress-relieving effect. The objective of this bachelor thesis was to measure the stress index of the participants using heart rate variability (HRV). Significant correlation between the variables of the participants’ subjective experience and the HRV parameter showed a link between…

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These companies successfully implement our relaxation systems.