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EuPD Study. Publication 11/2013

This study proves the return of investment on brainLight-Systems in the area of health management in businesses. 13 companies took part, each with 8-120 participants, including Nestl
é, SAP and Unilever. In conclusion, small to moderate improvements were noticed in terms of both health and performance. The most significant improvements were recorded in the back area, inner balance and concentration levels.


D. Results: Evolution of the brainLight-System

Relaxation during the application

I could "switch off" during the brainLight session.

Effects of the application after use

I used the brainLight-System to come down.

I experience the brainLight session as enjoyable.

I experience the brainLight session as calming.

I feel pleasantly relieved after using the brainLight-System.

Core statements

  • The use of a brainLight relaxation system is compatible with everyday work. During a session employees are able to switch to
  • Immediately after application the relaxation systems attain, for the majority of users, a pleasantly calming and alleviating effect
  • The positive effects were noticed by the majority of the subjects as early as after the first session.

E. Results: Effects on health

Effects on mental health

B1. How often in the last three months did the following mental symptoms occur? In order to show this, choose a number between 1 and 4, whereby 1 = very often and 4 = never.  You can also grade in between these numbers.

B2. How often in the last 3 months did the following physical symptoms occur? In order to show this, choose a number between 1 and 4, whereby 1 = very often and 4 = never.  You can also grade in between these numbers.

Results on behavior

B3. How often in the last three months did the following statements occur, in regards to your behavior? In order to show this, choose a number between 1 and 4, whereby 1 = very often and 4 = never.  You can also grade in between these numbers.

E Core statements regarding the effect on health

Core statements

  • Strain due to neck, shoulder or back pain, as well as headaches, is reduced with regular use.
  • Use of the brainLight-System has the greatest positive effect on internal balance, as well as general alertness and activity.
  • The general increase in alertness and activity correlates with a slight increase in maintaining social relations.
  • In conclusion, it can be said that the regular application of a brainLight relaxation system in everyday working life over a period of 12 weeks has a moderately positive effect on mental and physical well being, as well as on social behavior.

E. Results: Effects on general well-being and performance

Corporate Health Award

B4. If you were to evaluate the state of your complete inner balance with 5 points: How many points would you give your current balance?  1 means that you are currently completely unbalanced.

B5. If you were to evaluate the best possible state of health with 5 points and the worst possible state of health with 1 point: How many points would you award for your current state of health?

B6. How would you describe your state of health in comparison to three months ago? (1 = excellent and 5 = poor)

B7. If you were to evaluate your best reached working ability to date with 5 points: How many points would you give for your current working ability? 1 means that you are currently fully incapable of working.

B8. How would you describe your current working ability in comparison to three months ago? (1 = much better and 5 = much worse)

B9. How often have the following statements applied to you in the last three months? In order to show this, choose a number between 1 and 4, whereby 1 = very often and 4 = never.  You can also grade in between these numbers.

E Core statements regarding performance and well-being
Core statements

  • Over a twelve-week period of using the brainLight-System, subjective perceived inner balance rose on average by 13.9 percent, and well-being improved by 8.1 percent.
  • Self-perceived working ability also increased by 7 percent with regular use. This is due to a significant increase in the ability to concentrate and slightly increased mental flexibility.

F. Conclusion

  • The investigated research hypotheses could be confirmed by the investigation. Slight to moderate improvements were determined both in terms of health and performance.
  • The greatest improvements were found in the areas of back health, inner balance and the ability to concentrate. In other areas, the improvements were considerably less noticeable.

Many thanks for your attention!

EuPD Research
Sustainable Management GmbH
Adenauerallee 134
53113 Bonn

Benjamin Klenke
E-mail: b.klenke@eupd-rsm.de



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