Impact analysis of the brainLight-massage chair in cooperation with the Caritas-care home Johann Bernhard Mayer, Lauda. Publication: 2011

85% of the participants felt an improvement in their physical wellbeing after using the brainLight-System 2 to 3 times per week. In addition to this, the psychological constitution of 86.5% of the participants was strengthened. Around half of the 159 sessions were rated by the participants as “very good”.

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Project by the Spectrum of Knowledge Institute. Carried out: 06/2010-09/2010

The institute tested the brainLight learning medium for children - Synchro be clever - on the change in the learning behavior of 8 students. After only a short time they showed an increased tendency for improvement, demonstrated through their ability to pay more attention at the beginning of lessons. This ability could then be further developed to work for a longer period of time…

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Project II by the Spectrum of Knowledge Institute. Carried out: 2009

Among 2 groups of students from other participating schools, students showed a clear increased level of learning receptivity from the very beginning after using the brainLight-Synchro be clever. Accompanied by educational work from the parents, positive balanced behavior of the students was also experienced within the family.

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